13 Superpowers


My dear daughters, Mey & Mia,

Thank you for inspiring, encouraging & in-powering me to become the womxn, the Heroine that I am. Thanks to you, I had the courage and resilience to serve TheHeroines.co platform with amazing womxn to do the same for millions of womxn around the world.

It has never been about gender, and yet it all came down to it. How we created vertical relationships within and among each other. Women need to please, satisfy, only through the eyes of wounded masculinity, we try to define who we are. Hidden emotions, thoughts, tamed and shamed intuitions and tortured body parts of womxn affected everything; from how we gave birth to our children to how we hid our real potential in society, business and politics. In 2020, when we started the heroines, we were far from our true potential; wearing masks to cover our smiles, scared to touch each other- The world was on fire, as well as the wellbeing of our children.

That’s how the awakening of the heroine in all womxn started. We needed millions of heroines, to go beyond the restrictions of what humans could imagine their role to be. We started with a simple question; What does it mean to be a womxn? Womxn with an x! The first and most important step was to start to get to know ourselves, through the mirror of each other.

In the end of our second year in 2021, after working with more than a hundred womxn from 20 countries, we gave birth to the “13 Super Powers” of The Heroines. The powers which when womxn own-they are often ignored, shut down and even shamed by many. Yet these are the most important of our humanity to shine by the heroines for the future of humanity now!

  1. WONDER: 

    We awakened our childlike WONDER-the possibilities in our body temples, the animals, shamans, medicinal plants and other non-human agents. We explored the leading edge of innovation, technology and impact in our conscious business models, infrastructures.


    We heard the other, nature and the unheard in us by listening, we learned how to stay in a constant inquiry beyond and through our own fears, tears and stories. 

    Of course, there is no way to be a heroine without our third super power;

  3. DARE

    We dared to speak our truth, always with the intention of expansion. We failed fast and big, so space for new experiments arised. We dared to actively hope and do! We dared to be a catalyst, a hurricane with the intent to harmonize in peace, wellbeing- the natural order of all life.

  4. PLAY. 

    Fun, creativity & laughter have been the most powerful tools to transform and unite-beyond all silos of the mind. Our laughters and dances have always been, and will be the most powerful creator of the new worlds in human psyche!


    We reconnected to our antennas for moods and energies in us and around us. We allow what we feel, and learn from the waves of it, until we can rise up to surf with it.

  6. WISDOM. We hold all memories of the world, and dreams of what wants to emerge. We love silence, and other times, when we speak, wise words tumble from our lips into the open space where energies need to be focused.


    We Are life. We flow. Chaos is comfort because we know that only from chaos new patterns will be born. We are shapeless, yet we are the shape. And most of all we are the shapeshifters.


    We feel through the systems and see all connections. We zoom out like a bird and zoom in again to decide on the next practical step. We are the daughter and the mother. We are so many parts combined, we know our place in life like a fungi mycelium of connectivity and community. 


    When we honor and heal the past, we unleash an evolutionary future. We take one mindful step at a time. We make things without rushing or forcing. We are one tree, in the woods in the making of a rainforest of Ancient Futures.


    We paint with gold, business and technology. We turn our wounds to our gifts. We create for all, no judgment, no limitation. 


    We balance care and responsibility with personal freedom for all, by choosing mindful words, and not taking things personal. Our breath is in sync with the breathing of trees, and the pulse of life.


    When the cycle reaches completion, we can birth a new world. One contraction and relaxation at a time. With love. And care. And nature’s intelligence helps us along. Birthing is a beautiful process and it forms us. It grows us beyond our own death. Towards wider and vaster horizons. We give birth to entire humanity. We give birth to ourselves, to each other, to businesses, to projects. And new worlds together.


    Unconditional love is what we breathe in and out. We love the world by loving ourselves, and we love ourselves by loving others. We are an unstoppable Love in Action. As love always loves.

My dear daughters, since millions of us have embodied these 13 Super Powers, and millions of men leading the co-evolution with us, you no longer have a gender equality goal on your agenda, we are far beyond it. Yet evolution has no limits, that’s the fun of it; it is now your turn to bring more beauty, more love, harmony, joy and peace to the world. Stay humble and always in love. Live and do business as a prayer. Like Rumi, the sufi master who lived on the same land that I was born says:

"Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.”

With Love, Joy & Courage,

Canay- The Heroine Mom

Special thanks to Desiree Driesenaar, my daughters Mey & Mia, and my Unconditional Man Rudy De Waele who were in this birthing process. Thank you dear reader for your attention-We are all co-parents, growing the energy of Super Powers.


